Curbing Student Hunger: Redland Volunteers with Food For Thought
This month, the associates at Redland took a break from our usual civil engineering and land planning services to lend a hand in our community.
This month, the associates at Redland took a break from our usual civil engineering and land planning services to lend a hand in our community.
This September, Redland celebrated 8 amazing years in business by bringing together our clients and colleagues that have helped “Spark” our success.
Each year, Redland partakes with Cowboy After Hours, a consortium formed to contribute to the 4-H community at the Douglas County Junior Livestock Sale.
More than seventy adults and children gathered at the Knolls Clubhouse for the Redland picnic. Everyone enjoyed water balloon dodge ball, piñata breaking, limbo dancing, cookie decorating, the dunk tank, and the movie Zootopia.
In Steve Covey’s Book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “Begin with the End in Mind” is the second habit Redland is taking to heart. As we revamp our company positioning and mission statement, we have created a grassroots process that invites the entire company to participate.
In true summer fashion Redland hosted it’s third annual ice cream making contest. The delicious flavors ranged from Butter Pecan to Mint Chocolate Chip and everything in between. Congratulations to our winner, Mikaela, with her concoction of homemade Pumpkin. Chris took second place with Cookies and Cream. Jen and Kevin took third place with Chocolate Stout. If […]
Redland is proud to be a member of the Sterling Ranch Project team. Sterling Ranch was a featured project in the May/June 2016 ULI article, “Before It Runs Off” by Kevin Brass.
On May 5, 2016, twenty-one Redland employees built a planter bed/wall for the Carl Sandburg Elementary School in Littleton.
The Shiloh House, a Family Resource Pavilion, is a new collaborative effort between nine entities in Douglas County and Arapahoe County dedicated to providing services to troubled youth and families.